A special keepsake for baby.
Made of 100% linen. This baby bonnet is perfect for a baptism, dedication or christening. It can be transformed into a wedding hanky with just a snip of a button.
Comes gift boxed with a poem insert inside.
I am a little bonnet,
as cute as cute can be.
Would you ever guess a
hanky I use to be?
I can be worn home
from the hospital,
Then again on Christening Day.
You can then neatly fold
and keep me for the Wedding Day.
Every bride must wear
something old - so you can
clip a stitch or two and
a wedding hanky will unfold.
If by chance it is a boy,
on the day he is wed
I can be presented to his bride
won't she be proud to use -
the bonnet he wore upon his head.